Застраховка на плавателни съдове
Обект на застраховката са всички плавателни съдове, в сферата на търговията,транспорта и туризма.
Кои рискове се покриват?
стихийни бедствия – буря, мълния, вулканично изригване, земетресение и др.
морски бедствия – корабокрушение, засядане, преобръщане, потъване, изчезване
аварийни събития, пожар, експлозия, взрив, скрит дефект в корабните устройства и системи, сблъскване или удар
Покриват се и следните специфични искове:
“Отговорност от сблъскване”
“Обща авария”
“Загуба на навло”
Рискове, които не се покриват:
– действия на вълните и ветровете
– конструктивни грешки, овехтяване, износване, корозия, некачествен ремонт и т.н
– умишлени действия или неспазване на правилата и изискванията за ползване и натоварване на плавателния съд, косвени загуби.
The challenge is to bring a company whose web presence is boring up to date. The challenge is to ensure that when a client visits your website they feel positive about your company. The challenge is that most customers will judge you based on appearance alone, and if your website looks unprofessional or poorly made then they will think your company as a whole is unprofessional. Each and every part of the organization matters when winning over a new client:
- Improve sales and operations and production planning:
The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
- Determine the right inventory level:
With hundreds of medications in the market, Pharm Ltd. needed a proper method to predict and manage their inventory. Using a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping actual versus forecasted sales on the most important SKUs.
- Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.
The challenge is to bring a company whose web presence is boring up to date. The challenge is to ensure that when a client visits your website they feel positive about your company. The challenge is that most customers will judge you based on appearance alone, and if your website looks unprofessional or poorly made then they will think your company as a whole is unprofessional. Each and every part of the organization matters when winning over a new client:
- Improve sales and operations and production planning:
The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
- Determine the right inventory level:
With hundreds of medications in the market, Pharm Ltd. needed a proper method to predict and manage their inventory. Using a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping actual versus forecasted sales on the most important SKUs.
- Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.
The challenge is to bring a company whose web presence is boring up to date. The challenge is to ensure that when a client visits your website they feel positive about your company. The challenge is that most customers will judge you based on appearance alone, and if your website looks unprofessional or poorly made then they will think your company as a whole is unprofessional. Each and every part of the organization matters when winning over a new client:
- Improve sales and operations and production planning:
The teams focused their efforts on a few of the highest-value S&OP levers in order to review the current planning process, identify gaps in the planning infrastructure and analytically understand demand and supply variability.
- Determine the right inventory level:
With hundreds of medications in the market, Pharm Ltd. needed a proper method to predict and manage their inventory. Using a mean absolute percentage analysis (MAPE), the teams defined appropriate levels for raw materials and finished products by mapping actual versus forecasted sales on the most important SKUs.
- Optimize the supply chain for perfect order planning:
The diagnostic determined the stressors that affected sales and service levels. The teams focused on resolving issues related to higher-than-normal back-orders and lead times, which stressed the entire supply chain and led to delays in medications reaching consumers.